The Treatment of Neonatal Opiod Withdrawal: A Comparison of Methadone Loading and Tapering Regimens

  • Wunsch, Martha (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The PI has a research focus on the interface between pain and addiction as well as the diversion of prescription medications. She was the PI on a recently completed NIH R03, "Opioid Mortality in Southwestern Virginia." Dr. Wunsch has conducted preliminary research in this arena and will serve as the Joint-PI in this project. She has been the lead in the development of this protocol and is the author of "A Chart Review of Paregoric and Methadone in the Treatment of Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal" (2006), Journal of Addictive Diseases. 25(3):27-33, the source of preliminary data for development of this research concept. In concert with Dr. Peregrino, Dr. Wunsch will be closely involved in every aspect of the project, assuring compliance with protocol and research regulations. Beginning with preparation of the protocol for submission to the IRB, through further design of the study, training of the research coordinator, implementation of the protocol, assurance of consistency in data collection, allowance for contingencies, evaluation of results, and dissemination of the results. Dr. Wunsch will be available for one face-to-face meeting each month with the research team at Carilion Clinic. Through these site meetings, she will continue to assist in the enrollment of subjects and assist with any additional lRB requirements. Upon the enrollment of 5 to 10 subjects, she will stop enrollment in order to evaluate the implementation of the project. She will be responsible for analyzing this initial data as well as all data related to the project. Dr. Wunsch will also be responsible for preparation of any manuscripts, along with Dr. Perengrino.
Effective start/end date9/1/0812/31/08


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