Thomas H Pinkstaff Medical Home

Grants and Contracts Details


The Thomas H. Pinkstaff Medical I lome Clinic shall be a collaborative between University of Kentucky (UK) Department of Pediatrics and the Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs (CCSHCN) to meet the needs within. and out-of-home care in the custody of the Department of Community Based Services (DCBS). The Thomas H. Pinkstaff Medical Home Clinic shall provide: initial evaluations (within 48 hours or the child being placed in out-of-home care) per DCBS Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 3A.7.2), primary care for all foster children identified as not having a medical home which includes well child exams, sick child visits, immunizations, wellness education, and care coordination of specialty services required by these children including appropriate referral for menttll / beh;wioral henlth providers. The highest ratio of children in out-of-home care resides wit hin the Bluegrass Area Development District of Kentucky. T he Bluegrass Area Development District is a 17 county area where foster children represent 18% of the total state foster population. The Thomas H. Pinkstaff Medical Home Clinic shall serve children residing in this Oistrict with medical care in a family centered, comprehensive, C"'f1rdinatcd, nnd confi nuou'> rna n ner. In addition to increased prevalence of chronic medical, dental, mental health and developmentaVeducational issues among the in and out-of-home care population, medical access to pediatricians in Bluegrass Area Development District is reduced. Lack of access to medical care is partly due to practices decreasing the number of Medicaid patients accepted. Additional children with special health care needs shall be managed by the Thomas H. Pinkstaff Medical Home Clinic on a case by case basis. All patients enrolled in services must have Medicaid coverage and enrollment of dually covered patients must have approval of second tier review.
Effective start/end date7/1/149/30/14


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $97,648.00


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