TMDLs for Critical Watersheds in the Kentucky River Basin

Grants and Contracts Details


This project consists of the development/and or completion of pathogen and/or nutrient TMDL reports (including associated TMDL loadings, reductions, and associated implementation plans) for two priority streams in the Kentucky River Basin. The related watersheds and associated TMDLs to be developed include (see Figures 1-2): 1) South Elkhorn Creek Watershed (including Town Branch and Wolf Run) [pathogen] 2) Eagle Creek Watershed [pathogen] 3) Town Branch Watershed [nutrient] 4) Wolf RunWatershed [nutrient] The developed reports may serve as the basis of watershed management plans for each of the basins and support future or ongoing management activities. The project will utilize historic monitoring data and/or future data to be collected by the Kentucky Division of Water. The project will be coordinated by the Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute at the University of Kentucky (KWRRI) and will involve staff from the KWRRI as well as faculty and students from the department of civil engineering. The project will also be coordinated with TMDL personnel associated with the Kentucky Division of Water. Finally, the project will be coordinated with stakeholder groups in each basin to ensure input into the TMDL development process and to ensure that the reports receive the widest distribution possible so as to directly impact ongoing managementactivities in each basin. To help facilitate this process the KWRRI will sponsor a specific track in the annual KWRRI symposium that will highlight the TMDL development process as well as the work of the various stakeholder groups within the basin.
Effective start/end date11/1/081/31/12


  • KY Energy and Environment Cabinet: $148,189.00


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