Tobacco Settlement - UK Cancer Research and Screening 24-26

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center (MCC) will use the allotted $2,921,600 in FY 24-25 and $3,125,000 in FY 25-26 to support its National Cancer Institute (NCI) Comprehensive Designation. This elevated level of designation was earned by the MCC for having an exceptionally strong breadth and depth of research, education, and outreach programs that are having a transformational impact on the lives of Kentuckians. The funds will support the following objectives and priorities: Objectives 1. Expand the base of cancer research expertise with the recruitment of both promising young scientists and established investigators working at the front lines of cancer research. 2. Develop and maintain diverse cancer research programs and shared resource facilities with an emphasis on inter- and intra-team collaboration. 3. Provide and promote interactive research opportunities. 4. Offer expanded innovative clinical trials. Priorities • Continue to expand the overall research base throughout the cancer research continuum through faculty recruitment and support existing programmatic development. • Increase extramural funding with emphasis on funding from the NCI. • Increase NCI multi-project grants including program projects, SPORE grants and NCI cooperative grants. The NCI Cancer Centers Program supports major academic and research institutions throughout the United States to sustain broad based, coordinated, interdisciplinary programs in cancer research. These institutions demonstrate scientific excellence and the ability to integrate a diversity of research approaches to focus on cancer. The NCI and its Cancer Centers Program are dedicated to advancing cancer research to ultimately reduce cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/26


  • KY Council on Postsecondary Education: $10,004,725.00


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