TRAINING PARTICIPANTS: NASA EPSCoR: Travel Grants for Research Infrastructure Development (RID) 2016-2018

  • Smith, Suzanne (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Statewide EPSCoR Program’s mission is to enhance the research and intellectual capacity of universities and colleges by building and coordinating strategic investments in human capital necessary for Kentucky to excel in federal R&D funding competitiveness. Derived from this statewide mission, NASA Kentucky EPSCoR has goals to enhance capacity through strategic investments focused on NASA-priority research areas and competitiveness for non- EPSCoR NASA funding. A key factor in achieving these goals is initiation of relationships between Kentucky’s and NASA’s researchers that develop into partnerships. Every aspect of the proposed portfolio emphasizes the process of relationship-building. Derived from these goals, five specific objectives of the NASA Kentucky EPSCoR program reflect those of the NASA EPSCoR program: 1) to develop human research infrastructure in areas strategically important to NASA, 2) to gain support from non-EPSCoR sources, 3) to develop NASA Partnerships, 4) to develop science, technology and economic capacity, and 5) to coordinate with and compliment (but not augment) the NASA Kentucky Space Grant programs.
Effective start/end date6/1/155/31/19


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