Training Resource Center

  • Hoffman, Doris (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky Training Resource Center will provide the following in relation to curriculum development and training delivery for FY 1>03-2004: . Training, teaching and promotion of organizational growth for human services workers throughout the Commonwealth; . A valuable link between CFC field staff, universities and community partners; . Serving in a training and/or facilitation capacity fa Cabinet learning initiatives for CFC staff and/or foster parents; . Development and support for the Learning Development Teams and continuous quality improvement efforts of the Service regions; . Learning Development Team training activities and support for regional/multi-regional training needs; . Creative response to unique learning initiatives of the Cabinet and respective communities, including assistance in the development of Credit for Learning courses; and . Trainer lodging, per diem and related costs forthe conduct of approved training events will be direct-billed to Eastern Kentucky University Training Resource Center.
Effective start/end date7/1/036/30/04


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