Grants and Contracts Details
Adoption Support for Kentucky (ASK) is a consortium of parent-led adoptive parent support groups throughout the state. Any adoptive family may use the services of ASK. These support groups are for parents that have families formed through any type of adoption: state, private, relative, or international. ASK offers support groups for adoptive parents, relative care parents, foster-to-adopt parents, and those considering adoption; mentoring with an experienced adoptive family; information on policies and procedures; educational/training programs; advocacy assistance; lending library; statewide resource information; referrals to resources; and information on medical/behavioral issues.
Goal: The goal of Adoption Support for Kentucky is to provide a continuum of proactive advocacy, ongoing support, and specialized training to foster, adoptive and relative care families through parent-led adoption support groups across the Commonwealth.
Objective 1: Provide training for parent liaisons.
Adoptive Parent Liaisons are experienced adoptive and foster parents who are recommended by the regional Recruitment & Certification (R&C) Teams. New Adoptive Parent Liaisons undergo a two month training period wherein they are trained and mentored by an experienced support group leader.
Program Coordinators will provide two on-going trainings each year for Adoptive Parent Liaisons. Training sessions include best practices for running a support group, recruitment and advertisement strategies, problem-solving, improving services, and adoption related topics. Training sessions also include training of trainers on adoption related issues.
Objective 2: Conduct support groups via parent liaisons.
Adoptive Parent support groups are provided based on the needs of adoptive parents and regional requests. Support groups are provided anywhere between one and four times each month. ASK provides approximately 360 support groups yearly at 32 locations.
Objective 3: Provide ongoing technical support to parent leaders.
Program Coordinators will confer with each regional R&C Supervisor and staff at least once yearly to assess their parent leader’s effectiveness, receive recommendations concerning improvements, and receive recommendations for adoption related training. Program Coordinators will conduct these meetings either in person or by conference call. Program Coordinators also maintain monthly contact with supervisors via email and update supervisors at statewide R&C Supervisors.
Program Coordinators maintain monthly phone contact with Adoptive Parent Leaders. Conference calls with all parent liaisons are scheduled six times per year and individual phone calls are made six times per year. Program Coordinators are available for support by phone, email, and one-on-one meetings. Adoptive Parent Liaisons receive ASK related training at least once each year.
Objective 4: Publicize support groups.
Program Coordinators require each liaison to submit their support group information to local newspapers, radio stations, and public access television stations monthly. Program Coordinators also maintain a website with all support group listings and send fliers to over 3000 resource parents up to six times per year. The adoptive parent support group listing also appears in the FAST Track magazine. Program Coordinators attend quarterly Kentucky Foster/Adoptive Care Association meetings, statewide adoption fairs, and Kentucky Adoption Coalition meetings to promote the services of ASK.
Adoptive Parent Liaisons and Program Coordinators attend pre-service meetings to explain services to prospective foster and adoptive families.
Objective 5: Provide support to adoptive parents through parent liaisons.
Adoptive Parent Liaisons are available for support through support group meetings, trainings, phone calls, emails, and one-on-one meetings. Adoptive Parent Liaison contact information including home and cell phone numbers and email is included on all publicity materials. Adoptive Parent Liaisons also receive requests for support from Recruitment & Certification Teams and are available to adoptive parents 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Objective 6: Develop legislative advocacy programs to support needs of parents with special needs adoptive children.
ASK Program Coordinators facilitate quarterly advisory team meetings to discuss the needs of adoptive parents, training, improvement of ASK services, and regional concerns. The meetings include ASK Program staff and Parent Liaisons, Adoption Services Branch staff, R&C supervisors and workers, EKU training staff, and community partners.
Adoption Support for Kentucky is a member of the Kentucky Foster/Adoptive Care Association and the Kentucky Adoption Coalition and is involved with the activities of each. ASK is also involved with the Children’s Alliance and the Kentucky Partnership for Families and Children and is an approved support group through the North American Council on Adoptable Children (NACAC). Program Coordinators also serve as a NACAC subsidy representative. Program Coordinators and Adoptive Parent Liaisons advocate for the needs of adoptive families through an Adoption Awareness Campaign in the month of November.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/12 → 6/30/13 |
- Eastern Kentucky University: $371,830.00
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