Training Resource Center - Credit for Learning Program

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky Credit for Learning (CLF) program is designed to assist the Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Cabinet) in meeting child safety, permanency and well-being outcomes, as well as Council on Accreditation standards, by enhancing employees’ professional expertise through social work education, and to enhance the educational experience of social work students interested in professional child welfare practice. The following courses and course objectives have been designed, developed, and implemented to meet the professional development needs of Cabinet staff and to provide the knowledge and skills to assist staff in meeting the safety, permanency and well-being outcomes. The courses are offered on a rotating and continuing basis according to the professional development needs expressed by the Cabinet. In addition, the positions supported through CFL advise, mentor, and provide support to Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) staff, and to Public Child Welfare Certification Program (PCWCP) students, as they pursue advanced education and professional development.
Effective start/end date7/1/17 → 6/30/18


  • Eastern Kentucky University: $372,081.00


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