Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative - PTN

    Grants and Contracts Details


    The Kentucky Regional Extension Center (KY REC) will conduct the following activities: 1. Assignment of Staff and Collaboration - Kentucky Regional Extension Center will collaborate and partner with the Trustees of Indiana University to provide technical assistance to Kentucky ambulatory clinicians for participation in the Great Lakes Practice Transformation Network (GLPTN) under the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services "Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative," including: assign staff to participate in regular and periodic meetings related to planning and implementing the provisions of the Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative PTN; Work collectively with GLPTN to develop marketing and recruiting materials, practice transformation plans and activities for Quality Improvement Advisors; Assign to GLPTN a Kentucky PTN Project Manager for coordination of with GLPTN partners; Perform documentation and status reporting to designated program staff as required. 2. Outreach and recruitment - Kentucky REC will perform outreach and recruit 1,500 clinician participants to execute a signed participation agreement and agree to participate in the activities outlined below. 3. Learning & Diffusion Collaborative Kentucky REC will create a network of practices in Kentucky that will participate in PTN collaborative activities including: Develop and foster a Collaborative in Kentucky that will work collectively with GLPTN and its communities of practice; Coordinate the formation of dedicated staff teams within participating practices that to serve as implementation champions for transformation in the practice; Hold periodic in-person Learning Sessions to develop skills in practice transformation and provide networking opportunities among PTN champions; Conduct periodic educational webinars or other remote learning sessions to support PTN planning and implementation. 4. Technical assistance to practices - Kentucky REC will provide remote and onsite technical assistance to practices participating that includes: Performing Quality Improvement (QI) calls/online meetings with participants; Performing up to five (5) Data Reporting Assistance (DRA) calls/online meetings to support the PTN practices¡¦ monthly & quarterly Data Reporting requirements; Performing up to four (4) onsite QI visits and 1 onsite DRA visit per practice per year; Identifying high-performing practices and promising approaches and sharing information with the larger GLPTN team; Ensure at least 75% of practices in Kentucky complete all 5 Phases of CMS Practice Transformation model, Change Package elements and milestones.
    Effective start/end date9/29/159/28/18


    • Indiana University: $1,391,626.00


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