Projects and Grants per year
Grants and Contracts Details
The Floyd County Drug Court Service Enhancement Project seeks to enhance clinical services to be offered within the already existent Adult Treatment Drug Court.
The goals for this project include: (I) To enhance services offered to bettcr develop an effective. comprehensive system of care to help individuals with substance abuse problems involved within the criminal justice systcm become higher functioning parents. employees. and citizens: and (2) To enhance services to increase abstinence and decrease recidivism among program participants as a way of enhancing future functioning potential. Floyd County is located in southeastern. Appalachian Kentucky which has been one area most affected by the increasing use of prescription opiates. Further, the rural Appalachian region has been plagued with a lack of available services. Floyd County has been identified by recent National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) in the highest category of per capita substance use (excluding marijuana use) in the United States (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2006). While this Treatment Drug Court has been operational for the past three years, funding is limited.
At the present level of funding, individuals are not receiving the needed level of clinical services. In the upcoming fiscal year. this Treatment Drug Court will receive decreased funding from critical partners (approximately $100,000) inevitably resulting in a loss of staff and ability to provide even basic services. Given the unique and specific needs of this Treatment Drug Court, project objectives include: increasing intensive assertive community treatment for individuals with substance abuse problems, increasing staffing support (e.g., counselor/case manager) to the Kentucky River Community Care/Floyd County Drug Court to allow for enhanced treatment activities (individual/group counseling) as well as more case management services. developing a complete array of substance abuse treatment and recovery support services for Floyd County Drug Court participants (i.e., residential treatment, intensive outpatient, mental health, case management/wraparound, and psycho-education), and developing a complete array of services and treatment plans that teach social and interpersonal skills. Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) hus been selected as the evidence-based practice to achieve project goals/objectives. ACT was determined to be a good fit for this project because it addresses fragmented systems of care by a more coordinated effort and focuses on a continuous care strategy. ACT is well-suited for the Drug Court treatment team approach (Stein & Santos, 1998). This project will serve 144 clients across the three project years (30 - Year 1; 50 - Year 2; 64 - Year 3) in Floyd County; and,
120 clients across the three project years (25 - Year 1; 45 - Year 2; 50 - Year 3)
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 1/1/09 → 9/30/11 |
- KY Administrative Office of the Courts: $360,000.00
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- 1 Finished
Treatment Drug Court Service Enhancement Project - Perry County
Shannon, L. (PI)
1/1/09 → 1/1/09
Project: Research project