Trial Prospector: An Automated Clinical Trial Matching Program

  • Zhang, Guo Qiang (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Lung cancer remains the most common cause of cancer deaths in the United States. Although clinical trials are recognized as critical to therapeutic progress, the patient participation rate remains very low. One major impediment to clinical trial participation is the time and effort required to identify patients who fit the eligibility requirements of specific studies at the point of care in a busy clinical context. Typically, patient identification requires that the treating oncologist a) thinks about clinical trials as an option; b) identifies clinical trials that may be appropriate for their patient; and c) compares their patient’s clinical and laboratory features against specific eligibility criteria of available studies. This project will address this practical barrier to clinical trial accrual through development of Trial Prospector, an automated clinical trial matching program. Trial Prospector retrieves clinical information from hospital electronic systems, and matches this information to eligibility criteria in a clinical trials database. The Trial Prospector prototype was feasible to implement in a cancer treatment center, and oncologists found it to be useful. This project has 2 Specific Aims: 1) To integrate lung cancer-specific enhancements (e.g. molecular characteristics) and other general enhancements into the current Trial Prospector prototype, and 2) To evaluate the accuracy, usability and accrual impact of Trial Prospector as a point-of-care tool in Thoracic Oncology outpatient clinics at the Seidman Cancer Center of the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center. The overall goal is to accelerate progress against lung cancer by removing a major practical barrier to clinical trial accrual.
Effective start/end date2/15/162/14/18


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