TRY-IT Translating Research to Youth through Information Technology - Administrative Supplement

Grants and Contracts Details


The goal of the Translating Research to Youth through Information Technology (TRY-IT!) SEPA grant (R25- RR0233004) at the University of Kentucky is to increase minority and underrepresented middle school student knowledge and participation in biomedical science careers. This is being accomplished through summer institutes, mentoring, trainings for school personnel, trainings throughout the year for parents and students, as well as a partnership with a local children's science museum. TRY-IT! uses interactive 3D modeling software as an engagement point to facilitate learning about biomedical science, technology, and human health. The proposed project has two objectives to expand upon the work of the parent grant that will continue building participants' knowledge about and interest in biomedical science careers. First, TRY-IT! participants attend a two week summer institute for two consecutive years. TRY -IT! will add a third two-week summer institute opportunity in 2011 for all current TRY-IT! participants that attended both previous sessions, with an emphasis on neuroscience. It will build upon the knowledge about the brain and nervous system learned in previous institutes and Saturday sessions, with a focus on vision and the human eye. Participants will learn about the major structures of the eye and their functions, the nerves of the eye, and the pathway of visual perception. Participants will continue expanding their knowledge with the 3D modeling software used in TRY-IT!. Specifically, they will use 3D models of both the eye and brain to create and animate a 3D simulation of the structures, functions, and neural relationships between them. Second, TRYIT! will develop a biomedical and health science website. This website will provide participants and other adolescents with access to information about both neuroscience and biomedical health careers. One of the major goals of this website is to expose adolescents to areas in biomedical and health science careers that are outside the most commonly considered careers, such as surgeons, dentists, and nurses. Additionally, this project will seek to expand knowledge of the breadth and depth of commonly considered and other careers. The goal of the Translating Research to Youth through Information Technology (TRY-IT!) SEPA grant (R25- TRY-IT! provides information that increases the knowledge and awareness of biomedical science content and issues that not only increase interest in pursuing careers in health science, but also help lead to more informed choices related to personal health.
Effective start/end date9/15/066/30/12


  • National Center for Research Resources


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