UAS Fog Prediction Study to support research funded by the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program

Grants and Contracts Details


This project is designed to execute and evaluate a proof of concept new capability to improve the prediction of localized fog events that impact major airports across the country. The University of Kentucky (UK) will support this project by deploying weather-sensing profiling drones at key locations surrounding CVG airport for assimilation into a high-resolution numerical weather prediction model. This pilot study will consist of three phases. Phase 1 of this pilot study focuses on preparation and planning for the field campaign. Phase 2 of this study entails execution of the field deployment including deployment of fixed surface instrumentation at CVG as well as episodic Intensive Observation Periods (IOPs) which will involve the deployment of weather sensing drones.
Effective start/end date11/17/218/31/23


  • University Co for Atmospheric Research: $99,767.00


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