• Marin, Carlos (PI)
  • Chambers, Emily (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Funding provided by the CHS KYDPH Primary Care Office will be used to complete the following tasks to increase the capacity and functionality of the current Navigator Database: 1. Move the database from the current IT platform to one that will allow for improved utilization and modifications. A potential platform has been identified, and the move would not impact utilization of the database. 2. Remove duplicate content/contact information for voluntary faculty and student services. a. Majority of voluntary faculty are family medicine and the largest resource of providers for student rotations. Upgrade would allow for improved accuracy of rotation reports and tracking in primary care. 3. Improve the capacity for recording “County” information in two areas; “Contact” and “Location”. Current county level information is confined in the “Events” section. Upgrading this function will allow for increased efficiency and accuracy in reports for all components of the database. 4. Upgrade “Contacts” to allow users to record more inclusive data in regards to race, ethnicity and gender demographics. Current structure is limited to relatively small demographics. 5. Improve the Navigator Database system’s ability to retrieve and review residency data that have been captured and to do so in a reportable format. 6. Incorporate upload of the report from National Student Clearinghouse to Navigator Database “Reports” allowing for all data to reside in one database.
Effective start/end date7/1/173/31/18


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