UK CARES: Early Childhood Lab CARES Act PPE and Cleaning Supplies

Grants and Contracts Details


As child care programs begin to reopen next month, the Division of Child Care will be providing one last stipend with the funding from the federal CARES Act. This stipend will be for cleaning supplies, thermometers, and PPE (masks, gloves). The funding can also be used for a professional cleaning service, if that is what your program chooses. There will be a new contract sent to each program for directors to sign saying that the funding will only be used for the allowed items. Once the contract is returned, the funding will be processed. Currently, we are still processing the final contracts for the Sustainment Stipend. The new contract will be sent out in a couple of weeks. Continue to watch your email so that you can sign and return it. This stipend will be based on the size of the child care program, so the amounts will be as follows: In-home childcare programs - $1500 Licensed center-based programs with capacity of 100 or less - $3000 Licensed center-based programs with capacity over 100 - $6000
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/21


  • KY Department of Community Based Services: $6,000.00


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