UK-KIPRC Checkpoints Program CFDA 20.205

Grants and Contracts Details


The Checkpoints Program was developed by The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and The Preusser Research Group. The Checkpoints Program was adapted for use in Kentucky by the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center as bona fide agent of the Kentucky Department for Public Health with support from the Kentucky Office of Highway Safety, and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. Checkpoints is an evidence-based intervention for teen driver safety that is being promoted and implemented in high schools across Kentucky. Interested communities and high schools in high-risk areas, demonstrating capacity to implement this public health education program, are eligible to receive community educator training, materials, potential funding, and support to facilitate the implementation of the Checkpoints Program. Communities not identified as high-risk are eligible for material and technical support in their implementation of the Checkpoints Program. The Checkpoints Program provides parents brief instruction and facilitated learning to help them use effective parenting techniques to establish driving rules, set consequences for non-compliance, and jointly reach a parent-teen agreement with their teens. The goal of the Kentucky Checkpoints program is to increase parent involvement in teen driving and to help teens gain gradual driving experience in order to ultimately reduce teen driving violations, and teen motor vehicle crashes and related injuries.
Effective start/end date10/1/209/30/21


  • KY Transportation Cabinet: $30,812.00


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