UK-KTC Peer State Review Traffic Records M3DA-2022-00-00-08

Grants and Contracts Details


Abstract OHS, Peer State Review of Traffic Records Database Practices to Inform the Traffic Records Strategic Plan and Implementation 10/1/2021-09/30/2022 The Kentucky Transportation Center has assisted each traffic records database in the development of a Traffic Records Improvement Plan (TRIP) for the 2018-21 Traffic Records Strategic Plan (TRSP). The TRIP was written after NHTSA’s traffic records assessment, which included recommendations for database improvements for the six traffic records databases. KTC is continuing to assist each database in the identification and development of projects to address NHTSA’s recommendations as well as the identification and development of projects to improve all other database attributes. A review of peer state practices to implement database improvements could identify key strategies to share with Kentucky’s database liaisons, which could further the successful attainment of each databases’ goals in the TRIP. This grant would provide assistance to undertake a peer review of implementation practices, identification of key strategies or ideas, coordination with database liaisons, and documentation of resulting changes in the database attribute improvement tracking. While the Traffic Records Strategic Plan has quantitative measures for each attribute of each database, this project has the potential to improve any of these metrics. The most likely initial outcome of this effort would be an increase in accessibility, which we will measure by the increase in the number of requests for data and analysis by the KTC. In this project, the Kentucky Transportation Center staff will: 1. Develop a list of potential peer states for review of current implementation practices for TRSP database improvements. 2. Conduct a review of materials currently available online related to TRSP database improvements, including state agency reports, plans, summaries, etc… 3. Interview relevant peer state officials to gather further information, as needed. 4. Reviewing and summarizing input received form peer states, with the goal of identifying key strategies or projects used to improve database attributes. 5. Coordinate with the appropriate database liaison for each traffic records database to consider new strategies of ideas for implementation.
Effective start/end date10/1/219/30/22


  • KY Office of Highway Safety: $45,000.00


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