Projects and Grants per year
Grants and Contracts Details
To establish and implemeht the "Institute for Maternal and Child Health Education and Training" at the
Vnivet'sity of Kentucky (UK), College of Public Health (CPH),
The "Institute" shall be developed so that University of Kentucky, CPH students would have an
oppol'tunity to graduate with a select group of courses that· would constitute a Maternal and Child Health
(MCH) focus al'ea in· addition to the 42·hol1l' program of study for a concentration in one of five core areas
of Public Health, Fut'thermore, with appl'opl'iate support, the "Institute" will serve as a standalone
pl'ogram for those who seek additional post baccalaureate graduate coursework designed to provide
coutent expertise in the myriad issues in MCH in the Commonwealth, Ovel' time, the "Institute" will
deyelop a "graduate certificate" in MCH as well as developing a Depaltment of Maternal and Child
The UK Pl'esident, Dr, Lee Todd, oftenrefel~ 10 the "Kentucky Uglies" which are those att!'ibules that are
addressable with current technology and knowledge but make Kentucky less than it could be if those
.ttdbutes did not exist. Among the "Kentllcky Uglies" related to public health and MCH are· high rates of
prematm'e bh'!hs, increased rates of infant mortality, domestic violence at velY high rates, and a myriad of
diseases and conditions that could be addl'essed by public health wOl'kel's who had MCH credentials and
wei'e motivated by a desire to improve and enhance the health status of mothers and children in Kentucky,
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/11 → 6/30/12 |
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- 2 Finished
UK MCH Workforce and PH Policy Development
Chesnut, L. (PI), Harris, T. (CoI) & White, C. (CoI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/12
Project: Research project
UK MCH Workforce and PH Policy Development
Chesnut, L. (PI), Harris, T. (CoI) & White, C. (CoI)
7/1/11 → 6/30/12
Project: Research project