UK Professional Education Preparation Program

  • McConnell, Margaret (PI)
  • Kennedy, Timothy (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Professional Education Preperation Program (PEPP) was established in 1980 pursuant to KRS 164.028 through 164.0282. The program assists students and prospective students from rural and inner-city areas experiencing medical and dental workforce shortages to gain admission to and graduate from medical or dental school. The underlying premise is that such students are more likely to establish a medical practice in underserved areas of the state. Historically, students from such areas have no applied to medical or dental school at the same rate, as have their non-shortage area counterparts; moreover, when they did apply, they were not accepted at the same rate. All funds appropriated by CPE for the primary PEPP program are subsequently allocated to University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, and Pikeville College to condcut the following program activities: 7 high school visits in underserved areas of the state; pre-freshman workshops involving 80-100 students; undergraduate workshops involving 50 students annually; student assessment conferences involving 100 students; MCATIDAT test assistance including tutoring for 30 students annually; tutoring during the year involving 80 people; and summer job placement.
Effective start/end date7/1/146/30/16


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