UK Research Big Sandy ADD Plan PDMC-PL-04-KY-2017-002

Grants and Contracts Details


The Kentucky Geological Survey intends to apply for the FY 2017 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program. The purpose of the grant is to develop a comprehensive landslide hazard assessment plan for the Big Sandy Area Development District. The district includes 5 counties in eastern Kentucky: Pike, Floyd, Johnson, Martin, and Magoffin. The Big Sandy A.D.D’s purpose is to provide citizens of those Kentucky counties planning, coordination, and assistance for services and projects that improve the quality of life in the region. The plan will establish steps for hazard mitigation that focuses on landslide susceptibility and community vulnerability, and will address risk reduction and mitigating losses from landslides. The goal is to minimize property damage and loss of life through leveraging existing landslide data sets and technology that assists in identifying vulnerable areas. The plan will provide related communities access to landslide data, maps, and published reports, in easy to understand language, that will complement their efforts to conduct land-use planning and emergency management goals. The application will be submitted to Federal Emergency Management’s Mitigation eGrants system
Effective start/end date4/30/213/22/22


  • KY Department of Military Affairs: $9,588.00


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