UKNeu-PREP: University of Kentucky Neuroscience Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program

Grants and Contracts Details


Project Summary Nationally, underrepresented minorities (e.g., first-generation, low income, women, people of color, and people with disabilities) significantly and consistently lag behind non-underrepresented peers in earning life science doctorate degrees. While the foundation for the development of biomedical Ph.D. and MD/Ph.D. graduates primarily focuses on the recruitment of younger students, gaps in the Ph.D. or MD/Ph.D. pipeline still exists with underrepresented populations, due to limited role models, expectations, and resources to pursue exceptional doctoral training. Nationally, the step between undergraduate and graduate school is often a barrier in the biomedical doctoral degree pipeline. This barrier is exacerbated by limited access to substantive biomedical research opportunities to prepare for graduate school. To address this critical need in our region and beyond, the University of Kentucky (UK) Neuroscience - Postbaccalaureate Research Education Program (UKNeu- PREP) is uniquely positioned to provide access to an extensive biomedical research experience in neuroscience, while preparing program Participants through educational and professional development opportunities to acquire the knowledge, research experience, communication skills, and confidence to successfully navigate the admissions process into a strong, neuroscience graduate program. UKNeu-PREP will leverage existing state, regional, and national networks to recruit Participants to become integrated into campus student supports, active research programs, and pipeline programs. Existing pipeline programs include our associated T32 training program “Neurobiology of CNS Injury”, the Department of Neuroscience UK START (“STEM Through Authentic Research and Training”), and the Spinal Cord and Brain Injury Research Center (SCoBIRC)- “African American Research Training Scholars” (AARTS) programs. Collectively UKNeu-PREP will train Participants to be lifelong career scientists while creating representational diversity at all levels. UKNeu-PREP will contribute to innovation and excellence in research environments and strengthen the entire research training enterprise.
Effective start/end date3/15/232/28/27


  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke: $652,490.00


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