UKRF Healthcare Workforce Collaborative Scope: Kentucky Workforce INitiative for our State (KY-WINS)

Grants and Contracts Details


College of Medicine KY-WINS Abstract The Markey Science Training in Research, Oncology, Networking and professional Growth (STRONG) Scholars Program, The Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics (MIMG) High School Fellowship Program, African American Research (AARTS) Program, STEM Through Authentic Research and Training (START) Program, and the University of Kentucky Medical Education Development Program (UKMED) have a common thread woven throughout each program. Supporting education, opening doors to underrepresented students in medicine and other STEM disciplines and exposing high school students and undergraduate college students opportunities to excel in research, medicine, and leadership. This thread allows for networking, collaboration, team-building, confidence building, and exposure to pathways in science that may not have previously occurred to participants.
Effective start/end date9/1/228/31/23


  • KY Council on Postsecondary Education


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