Ultra Fast Resonant DC Breaker

  • He, Jiangbiao (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


Dr. Jiangbiao He (CO-PI) from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Kentucky (UK), in partnership with Dr. Nathan Weise (PI) from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Marquette University (MU), propose to develop compact, lightweight, efficient, resilient, and ultra-fast resonant direct current (DC) breakers. DC power systems have many benefits over traditional AC systems such as lower cost, higher efficiency, and higher power capacity. Despite these advantages, DC based systems have lacked market adoption. A significant barrier to market adoption is the lack of adequate breakers for DC fault protection. The proposed circuit breaker solution combines the advantages of a vacuum interrupter (high efficiency) with a wide band-gap based resonant current source (fast response time and zero current switching of vacuum interrupter) and novel actuator topology (high force and fast response time) to produce a DC breaker that is much faster and represents a transformational state-of-the-art DC breaker that is scalable across voltage and current in medium-voltage DC applications. Dr. Jiangbiao He will be responsible for the analysis and design of the wide band-gap based power electronic controllable resonant current source with Dr. Nathan Weise. Dr. He will also work on the analysis and testing of the proposed circuit breaker for the 2400V dc aviation electric propulsion application with Dr. Nathan Weise.
Effective start/end date6/3/196/2/22


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