Understand the Components and Mechanisms Responsible for High Yielding Soybeans

Grants and Contracts Details


Once the 100 bu/A yield barrier was broken in yield contests, many others have attempted to repeat this feat. To date, no one in Kentucky has done this in yield contests. In this proposal we are not attempting to break the 100 bu/A yield barrier, rather study potential management practices or mechanisms that are responsible for increasing soybean yield. Once these practices have been identified they will be used in subsequent research to attempt to achieve this goal. We are proposing to use new and novel techniques that have may increase soybean yield in irrigated systems. Specific treatments include side dressing N, P, K and combination of these products near the row after soybean have become well established. We also plan to increase oxygen levels in the rooting zone to see if increased oxygen levels increase soybean yield. All treatments will be small plot in size and conducted under irrigated conditions with no nutrient limitations.
Effective start/end date4/1/193/31/20


  • Kentucky Soybean Promotion Board: $10,000.00


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