Understanding How Adrenergic Signaling Influences Immune Contexture of Tumors and the Efficacy of Checkpoint Inhibitors

Grants and Contracts Details


Goals To define the metabolic consequences of cold stress in T-cells and the influence of tumor burden via adrenergic signaling. Aim 2: To test the hypothesis that adrenergic signaling impairs the antitumor efficacy of CD8+T-cells by impairing metabolic reprogramming. Here we will examine the effects of adrenergic signaling on T-cell glucose metabolism and how this may suppress: 1) T-cell activation, 2) T-cell trafficking and 3) suppression of T-cells in the tumor microenvironment.
Effective start/end date12/19/1711/30/23


  • Health Research Incorporated: $438,155.00


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