Unforeseen Investigations

  • Toussaint, Paul (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


OBJECTIVE: To conduct, upon request, impromptu investigations and analyses, and provide quick response to requests for short-term investigations or evaluations. BACKGROUND: Frequently, Kentucky Transportation Center investigators are called upon to conduct impromptu investigations for the evaluation of materials' performances, construction procedures, analyses of failures, and other related features of highway design, construction, and maintenance. These investigations vary in complexity and nature, depending upon the situation and information desired. Most frequently, the investigations serve as a means of providing a tentative solution or analysis for immediate problems. In some cases, a full-scale study may result from what initially began as a minor investigation. These impromptu investigations serve a vital function through provision of an immediate report relative to a particular problem. As technology advances and industry expands, there is an ever increasing number of new products that become available for potential use in highway construction or maintenance. Some of those products may be used under current specifications or special provisions. Others may not be covered, and it is essential that such products be evaluated prior to widespread use. Pavement blowups, deck slab failures, landslides, culvert collapses, etc. are all causes for immediate concern. In such cases, quick remedial actions are necessary to protect motorists from potentially dangeous situations and for restoration of services. Hurried stop-gap repairs may be effected. Later, investigations of distresses are used in determining the causes of failures and provide information for development of more permanent solutions. Information gained during these investigations also may provide useful evidence leading to recommendations for design, construction, or maintenance guideline changes. Occurrences of problems may prove beneficial in the event adequate investigations or evaluations are undertaken and solutions evolve. Costeffective preventative countermeasures may later be adopted for routine use. The benefit-cost ratios for those investigations may often be unusually high.
Effective start/end date7/1/066/30/07


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