University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

  • Sheppard-Jones, Kathleen (PI)
  • Bishop, Malachy (Former CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Human Development Institute (HDI) at the University of Kentucky is Kentucky’s University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Our 2018 – 2023 UCEDD funding proposal to the Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is aimed at promoting the inclusion, independence, and contributions of people with disabilities and their families throughout the lifespan. The five cohesive goals that help us achieve this mission represent each of the UCEDD Core Functions: 1) Preservice and Continuing Education, 2) Community Services Training, 3) Community Services Technical Assistance/Model Services, 4) Research, and 5) Information Dissemination. Individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, our Consumer Advisory Council, and strong interagency and community collaborations play an integral role in each of our Core Functions. Our meaningful and positive outcomes include: 1) trainees and continuing education participants who have the skills, knowledge and attitudes to provide high quality services to people with developmental disabilities and their families, 2) community training and technical assistance recipients who can apply the strategies that they have learned, 3) research finding that lead to changes in systems, practice and policy, are translated into practice or policy, and/or lead to adoption of evidence-based practices, and 4) products used by consumers to aid in decision making or advocacy. Our products are accessible, varied and utilize principles of universal design to reach broad audiences and provide timely access to information to improve services and results. Our Five Year Plan complements the plans and activities of our state’s Developmental Disabilities Council and Protection & Advocacy. Core funding is used to substantially leverage the funds needed to achieve our Five Year Goals.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/19


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