University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service Core Grant (UCEDD)

  • Sheppard-Jones, Kathleen (PI)
  • Bishop, Malachy (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The Human Development Institute (HDI), University of Kentucky, operates as the University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, and Service (UCEDD) for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The mission of HDI is: To promote the independence, productivity, and inclusion of people with disabilities and their families throughout life. HDI was founded in 1969 as a center-based UAP in the UK Department of Pediatrics. It has since reached out to embrace critical issues facing individuals with disabilities and their families, at both state and national levels, and has worked to leverage core funding to develop significant resources from state and federal agencies to implement programs across the life span, and in a broad range of programmatic areas. Through the sustained involvement and advisement of its Consumer Advisory Council, and in partnership with its sister agencies - the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities and the Kentucky Division of Protection and Advocacy – as well as our other key state agency and university partners, HDI has developed its Five-Year Plan for 2013-2018. The five overarching goals of our proposal cut across each of the nine U.S. Administration on Developmental Disabilities areas of emphasis, with a special focus on education (including early intervention, school-age services, transition, and post-secondary education), employment, health related activities, child care, and quality assurance and self-advocacy. Our five goals represent each of the UCEDD Core Functions, with the Community Services Core Function embodied in the objectives and activities in both Goals 2 (Community Training) and 3 (Technical Assistance/Model Services) in our proposal. In collaboration with self-advocates and families, our goals for 2013-2018 are: 1) To provide interdisciplinary pre-service training to promote the independence, productivity, and inclusion of people with disabilities and their families throughout life. 2) To provide community training programs that promote independence, productivity, and inclusion of people with disabilities and their families throughout life. 3) To provide technical assistance and model services to national, state and local agencies, providers, and advocacy group that contribute to improvements in practice and outcomes in the lives of persons with disabilities and their families. 4) To conduct research that contributes to improvements in practice and outcomes in the lives of persons with disabilities and their families. 5) To disseminate HDI products through a variety of formats and universally designed strategies, to assure that multiple audiences have timely access to information to improve services and results. Within each of these goals, we will insure that all activities are conducted in a culturally and linguistically competent manner, and that the needs of unserved and underserved groups - including persons living in poverty, especially in rural areas and in Appalachia; and culturally diverse families and individuals – receive a special focus. Finally, we propose an evaluation plan that addresses not only outputs (people trained, products developed, etc.) but measureable life impacts (including initial, intermediate, and long-term outcomes) for the people that we serve.
Effective start/end date7/1/136/30/17


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