Grants and Contracts Details


Kentucky has vast energy resources in both fossil fuels and biomass, and will see the development of industries supporting energy storage, photovoltaic energy and clean coal technologies in coming decades. University students from all sectors may find themselves entering energy related careers, and a broad understanding of the current and future issues relating to energy will be important to their success. These same students will be the Commonwealthfs future policy makers, business leaders and owners, and educators. In their lifetimes, they will likely oversee dramatic changes in our national energy infrastructure comparable to that undertaken at the turn of the previous century. It is critically important to engage these future politicians, engineers, designers, investors, and regulators in energy issues now. The Commonwealth of Kentucky provides $400,000 out of the Unmined Mineral Taxes each year to support public education activities relating to coal. One goal within the program is the development of educational Energy Clubs at the post]secondary level to advance in]depth understanding of coal operations, new clean coal technologies, electricity production and use and emission issues as well as foster interest in the pursuit of coal and energy]related science and economic careers. These University Energy Clubs offer a means of engaging university students, faculty, alumni and others in a broader discussion about the current and future energy policy, technology, and sustainability. University Energy Clubs have been established at other universities in the United States and Europe. Perhaps the most notable is the club at MIT. Founded in 2004, the MIT Energy Club gseeks to bring together and educate the MIT energy science, technology, policy, and business communities through initiatives focused on understanding the global energy challenge through fact]based analysis and educationh. In the first year of the project, University Energy Clubs will be started at the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville. These will be student organizations, but set]up to include a broad constituency of students, faculty, alumni and others (high school students, P]12 educators, etc). Students will be drawn from engineering, natural sciences, business and economics, law, design, agriculture and communications, and the clubs will be established in such a way as to encourage broad involvement across any relevant discipline, as well as for those with simple individual interest in the topics. Many existing student activities can also be used as a basis to get students involved in the University Energy Club, such as the solar car team, solar decathlon team, senior level design courses in engineering and design, and the Global Venture Challenge teams. Building on the success of the MIT and other programs, major initiatives at each university will include: . Energy Lecture Series A biweekly lecture series featuring prominent speakers from the energy field at the universities and beyond. These lectures will include moderated open discussion after each lecture. . Energy Discussion Series A biweekly document]based energy discussion series lead by graduate student experts in various energy areas. Key documents will be distributed before each discussion and open discussion will be moderated by the discussion leader. . Energy Tours Series A series of tours to energy facilities. These may include underground and surface mines, prep plants, power plants, coal byproduct plants, biodiesel plants, ethanol plants, utility education centers, or energy research facilities. . Social Events Planned social events to bring the energy community together. When practical, these will be used to bring the UK and UL clubs together. . Energy Night An annual showcase social event of energy research and entrepreneurship. Showcases may include new research initiatives, new spin]out companies and energy venture groups or energy policy initiatives. . Statewide Student Energy Conference An annual spring energy conference meant to bring the student energy community statewide together for a conference featuring student research at the P]12, undergraduate and graduate level, energy design contests, student energy entrepreneurship teams and other activities to engender excitement in energy related education and careers among Kentuckyfs students. . Energy Mentorship Program A program to connect current students with prominent alumni working in the energy field for career mentorship. This will be expanded over the course of the project to include a system to facilitate energy]related internships and summer employment opportunities. In
Effective start/end date8/1/106/30/12


  • KY Energy and Environment Cabinet: $172,289.00


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