University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research

Grants and Contracts Details


To foster research on poverty in the South the UKCPR proposed five programs in its reauthorization as an Area Poverty Research Center: A competitive Regional Small Grants Program, which provides research support to non- University of Kentucky faculty conducting poverty research with an emphasis on the South. A competitive Young Investigators Development Grants Program, which provides development funds to support new and continuing research on poverty by non-University of Kentucky young academics in social and behavioral sciences. A competitive HBCU, 1890s, and Tribal Colleges and Universities Program, which provides research support to faculty at these universities conducting research on poverty issues of either regional or national interest. A competitive Internal Grants Program, which is open to all University of Kentucky UKCPR faculty affiliates conducting research on issues salient to low-income populations.
Effective start/end date9/30/025/31/11


  • Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation: $424,958.00


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