University Partnership - Substance Use Disorder Treatment Beyond Birth - 75/25 through 3/31/19, charged to 50/50 as of 4/1/19

Grants and Contracts Details


Increase access and expand Beyond Birth services for women with SUDs locally and statewide via: a. Hire a program manager, nurse navigator, peer support specialist and patient care specialist to assist with increased referrals from local hospitals]NICUs (e.g. Kentucky Childrenfs, Baptist Health, and Frankfort). A nurse navigator will identify mothers of infants being treated for NAS and coordinate comprehensive substance use treatment and support services (including MAT) through the Beyond Birth program. b. Incorporation of telehealth nurse]led educational and counseling and peer support services. 2. Development of an online Beyond Birth nurse navigation and peer support training program. This web]based training curriculum will use a transdisciplinary and communitybased approach via the infrastructure of Kentucky TeleHealth Network for statewide outreach. 3. Develop and evaluate group MAT prescribing model for women with substance use disorder 4. Develop and evaluate a peer]led support model including telephone support and enhanced mentoring opportunities DELIVERABLES: 1. Increase access (up to 150 mothers) to Beyond Birth services to NICU mothers at Kentucky Childrenfs hospital and other local hospitals for comprehensive substance use disorder treatment during the period beyond birth (6]weeks post]delivery to 2]years) via increasing service capacity. 2. Development of an online, web]based perinatal nurse]navigation and peer support program. Our proposed curriculum will include 10 core sessions. We will solicit expertise from MFM, NICU, Pediatric, Family Medicine providers, Nurses Social Workers, and Licensed Family Therapy, and other key community stakeholders (e.g. drug court officials, health departments, behavior health clinics, child protection services, foster care). 3. Provide a summary evaluation of key programmatic components including: number of women service, number of encounters, MAT compliance, rate of relapse, repeat short interval pregnancies, readmission to hospital, and smoking status. Further we will track hepatitis A, B immunizations, hepatitis C testing for both women and infants. 4. Market and deliver the online training program to managed care organizations, health providers, and other healthcare entities. Although our focus will be delivery of the online training, we will develop supplemental content based on the information we obtain and evaluate in the needs/gaps 5. Development of a replicable phased peer training program preparing mothers to transition from client to community]based peer support mentoring to hospital based peer support specialists.
Effective start/end date7/1/186/30/19


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services


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