University Partnership with Pakistani Universities in KPK, Pakistan

  • Johnson, Nancy (PI)
  • Hoyt, Gail (CoI)
  • Kern, Kathi (CoI)
  • Gaffield, Gary (Former CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky (UKY) will develop a Partnership with five universities in the Khyber Pukhtunkhwa province to enhance business curriculum and the pedagogical and research skills of business faculty. UKY and the consortium universities (CUs) will identify measurable competencies and learning outcomes for CU graduate business programs. Faculty, students, alumni, and employers of CU graduates will participate, in order to ensure that the programs meet international, national, and local standards and labor market needs. The process will also identify faculty development needs, which will guide the development of workshops and seminars that UKY will create to address those needs. Six CU faculty members and/or graduate students each year will attend a credit-bearing, doctoral-level research seminar and receive training in course design and pedagogy at UKY in summer 2013, 2014, and 2015. Each seminar will address one area of business research skills (e.g., accounting, economics, finance, management, or marketing,), with each participant designing a research project to be conducted in Pakistan, guided by a UKY faculty mentor. UKY will also provide training in course construction, classroom management, and pedagogy, and each participant will redesign one course. A second workshop will prepare participants to conduct similar workshops for their colleagues. Our project will accomplish the following objectives: „X Selected CU faculty will gain significantly enhanced research and teaching skills. „X Selected CU faculty will conduct a research project, teach revised classes, and present pedagogical workshops to colleagues; while being mentored by UKY faculty and staff. „X CUs will develop on-going relationships with alumni and the local and regional business community. „X Selected CU faculty will be able to lead curriculum revision processes in other disciplines. „X Eighteen graduate-level business classes will be redesigned in order to meet international standards, address competencies and learning outcomes, and incorporate current learning theory and pedagogy.
Effective start/end date11/1/127/31/16


  • Department of State: $1,670,740.00


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