Projects and Grants per year
Grants and Contracts Details
The University of Kentucky Credit for Learning (CFL) program is designed to assist the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (Cabinet) in meeting child safety, permanency and well-being outcomes, as well as Council on Accreditation standards, by enhancing employees’ professional expertise through social work education, and to enhance the educational experience of social work students interested in professional child welfare practice.
The positions supported through CFL advise, mentor, and provide support to Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) employees as they pursue advanced education and professional development.
Goal: The CFL program provides education to prepare the child welfare workforce for social work practice with vulnerable children and families.
Objective 1: Develop child welfare education curricula
UK CFL collaborates with the CHFS, Department for Community Based Services and the EKU University Training Consortium to identify and address professional development learning and informational needs of CFL participants. The CFL director and instructors participate in curricula development meetings to design new courses and revise existing courses as requested by the Cabinet and CFL partners. The CFL director and instructors also participate and contribute to the transition of existing Academy courses (face-to-face) to a hybrid model including online and face-to-face components.
Objective 2: Implement courses offered through the CFL curriculum
UK CFL collaborates with the Cabinet, the Eastern Kentucky University Training Consortium, the University of Louisville, and Western Kentucky University to provide graduate education necessary to achieve competent performance in child welfare practice.
The following courses and course objectives have been designed, developed, and implemented to meet the professional development needs of CFL participants and to provide the knowledge and skills to assist the workforce in meeting safety, permanency and well-being outcomes.
In FY 2021, up to 16 Protection & Permanency Academy courses (4 Academy cycles) will be offered. Three (3) Advanced Protection & Permanency Supervisory Seminar Series courses will be offered once during FY2021. The Collaborative Practice in Substance Abuse and Mental Health course will also be offered up to 2 times in FY 2021. CFL instructors provide course preparation, course delivery (online and face-to-face), and assessment and grading. Please see the courses and objectives listed on pages 2 – 5.
Child Sexual Abuse: Assessment and Intervention (UK, UL, WKU)
Course Objectives:
1. Analyze and apply the theoretical and conceptual basis for explaining the dynamics and etiology of child sexual abuse
2. Formulate and evaluate how values, beliefs, and culture may impact the occurrence and assessment of child sexual abuse
Proposed Scope of Work
University of Kentucky College of Social Work
Training Resource Center - Credit for Learning (CFL) Program
July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
3. Assess and distinguish between normal and problematic child and youth sexual development
4. Identify and assess the physical, behavioral, and familial indicators of child sexual abuse
5. Formulate, recognize and assess characteristics, tactics, and dynamics of offending and non-offending caregivers
6. Identify and assess the short and long term effects of sexual abuse on the child victim, siblings, non-offending and offending caregivers, and the family unit
7. Identify and utilize appropriate language, techniques, and guidelines for interviewing child victims, siblings, and offending and non-offending caregivers
8. Provide services that are culturally sensitive and respect the values and beliefs of children and families from diverse backgrounds
9. Synthesize assessment data to formulate goals, action plans and case management strategies
10. Develop and analyze case assessments, safety prevention plans, and case plans for efficacy and prevention of further abuse
11. Critically examine the relationship between social work and the legal system in sexual abuse cases and identify techniques to prepare the child for legal proceedings
Case Management in Child Welfare Services (UK, UL, WKU)
Course Objectives:
1. Critically assess and distinguish normal from problematic child and youth psychosocial development
2. Analyze, assess, and distinguish normal and problematic attachment and separation behaviors exhibited by children in foster and out-of-home care
3. Identify and assess normal and problematic grief and loss reactions exhibited by children and youth in out-of-home care
4. Formulate strategies to promote children’s attachment and to lessen trauma and behavioral problems
5. Formulate strategies to engage and work with birth, relative, foster, and prospective adoptive families to promote attachment and the well-being of the children or youth in their care
6. Develop, critique and apply practices that are culturally sensitive and respect the values and beliefs of children and families from diverse backgrounds and cultures who are utilizing out-of-home care services
7. Critically evaluate and analyze assessments and case plans to determine whether issues related to attachment, trauma, separation and loss are adequately addressed
Child Welfare Services (PCWCP & CFL) (UK, UL, WKU)
Course Objectives:
1. Students will be able to summarize the causes and effects of family violence on the micro and macro levels.
2. Students will be able to outline the indicators and family dynamics of child neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional maltreatment.
Proposed Scope of Work
University of Kentucky College of Social Work
Training Resource Center - Credit for Learning (CFL) Program
July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
3. Students will be able to identify and describe the interaction between individual developmental stages and family developmental stages.
4. Students will utilize the principles of empowerment and strength perspective as well as systems framework to understand how individuals in families communicate and develop.
5. Students will be able to explain the indicators and relationship dynamics of domestic violence as it relates to child abuse and neglect.
6. Students will be able to express reporting requirements for child abuse/neglect and spouse abuse/partner abuse and how to make such abuse/neglect reports.
7. Students will be able to retell the roles of primary professionals involved in domestic violence cases and summarize the effectiveness of the multidisciplinary approach.
8. Students will be able to diagram the present structure of Public Child Welfare System and its relationship with other community partners.
9. Students will gain knowledge of society’s response to child/spouse maltreatment including current legislation.
10. Students will be able to illustrate systems issues contributing to violence and barriers impeding protection of victims.
11. Students will understand the social worker’s intervention roles and responsibilities in abuse/neglect situations.
12. Students will be able to explain the most effective treatment modalities for intervening in CPS abuse and neglect and domestic violence situations.
13. Students will be able to explain the principles of advocacy for children and families
14. Students will be able to restate the roles and functions of the multi-partners needed in the collaborative process necessary for the continuum of care provided to families.
15. Students will be able to show the potential impact of cultural and ethnic background as it applies to family function and system response.
Partnership in Supporting Children and Adults in Need (UK, UL, WKU)
Course Objectives:
1. Apply interview skills to comprehensively screen and assess child maltreatment, domestic violence, and the co-occurrence maltreatment and domestic violence
2. Demonstrate ability to appropriately document investigative and assessment
3. Apply cultural knowledge (i.e. values, beliefs, traditions, parenting practices, as well as background in regards to race & ethnicity, migration and immigration, etc.) to assessment and case management of child maltreatment
4. Demonstrate knowledge of other service systems (i.e. mental health, substance abuse, juvenile justice, etc.) and how they screen, assess and deliver services
in order to make appropriate referrals for specific problems and concerns (i.e. mental illness, substance abuse, legal/law breaking)
5. Apply pertinent laws, policies, and standards of practice to address child and adult maltreatment
6. Demonstrate use of ethical/principal decision making guidelines in practice to minimize perceive and/or real conflicts
Proposed Scope of Work
University of Kentucky College of Social Work
Training Resource Center - Credit for Learning (CFL) Program
July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
Collaborative Practice in Substance Abuse and Mental Health (UK, UL)
Course Objectives:
1. Gain knowledge about the incidence, prevalence, etiology, and cultural variations in substance abuse and mental health problems faced by families.
2. Gain knowledge on screening and assessment process for substance abuse and mental health problems
3. Gain knowledge on best practices on case management and referral for families dealing with substance abuse and mental health problems.
4. Develop skills in collaborative practice with substance abuse, mental health services, social services, and other service providers
Child Welfare Advanced Protection & Permanency Supervisory Seminar Series
Advanced Practice in Child Welfare Services (UK, UL, WKU)
Course Objectives:
1. Analyze the historical and theoretical foundations of current strengths-based, collaborative approaches to practice including social work values and ethics, principles and best practices
2. Formulate the various techniques for and areas of assessment
3. Formulate strengths-based case plans that utilize existing resources and strengths and specify behaviorally specific goals and objectives
4. Develop and practice skills for engaging multiple systems in the helping process
5. Develop and apply skills in assessment, relapse prevention, and the evaluation and celebration of progress
6. Assess signs of burnout and secondary trauma in self and others and develop a plan of self-care, as a part of professional development
Supervision in Child Welfare Services (UK, UL, WKU)
Course Objectives:
1. Distinguish and examine the administrative, educative and supportive supervisory roles, and apply related skills to enhance worker competence and improve team functioning
2. Demonstrate and apply supervisory skills to promote critical thinking and improve workers’ clinical and ethical decision-making
3. Analyze and apply evidence-informed practices in supervision to support workers’ competence in identifying, assessing and managing risk in complex cases
4. Develop and apply supervisory strategies to enhance workers’ skills in engaging families and community partners to improve client outcomes
Proposed Scope of Work
University of Kentucky College of Social Work
Training Resource Center - Credit for Learning (CFL) Program
July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
5. Develop and apply a structured casework supervision approach to assess and build worker competence, and provide a supportive work climate
6. Analyze and develop strategies for assessing and managing secondary traumatic stress, burn-out, and professional quality of life
Perspectives on Professional Development in Child Welfare (UK, UL, WKU)
Course Objectives:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of current context of child welfare supervisory coaching and mentoring practice including existing, recent and emerging theories, research, policies and practices
2. Learn to assess worker and team performance problems and identify coaching and mentoring needs to address them
3. Learn to apply coaching and mentoring plans, strategies and skills to improve worker and team performance in the child welfare setting
4. Understand worker performance as an outcome of coaching & mentoring, self-care, and professional development
Objective 3: Provide educational and advising support to CFL participants
CFL instructors advise CFL students in balancing work and training responsibilities in order to successfully complete the Protection & Permanency Academy. CFL instructors also provide coaching and formative and summative assessment to CFL participants as they learn to transfer and apply knowledge from the classroom to the field.
Objective 4: Provide oversight for CFL participants’ UK academic records
CFL is responsible for maintaining academic records for CFL participants enrolled at UK. CFL works with CFL participants to complete applications to the UK Graduate School, enroll in courses, submit final grades, and assist with course credit transfers.
Objective 5: Provide information, support, and consultation to the CHFS – Department for Community Based Services, the University Training Consortium, and university partners regarding child welfare education and curriculum.
The CFL Director and instructors are available to consult with DCBS staff, the UTC, and university partners. CFL faculty/staff will provide information, support and consultation as it relates to CFL curriculum, courses, and child welfare education/professional development
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/20 → 6/30/21 |
- Eastern Kentucky University: $413,671.00
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- 1 Finished
University Training Consortium - Credit for Learning (CFL) Program - TRC/FY21
Segress, M. (PI), Flaherty, C. (CoI), Mayhorn, E. (CoI), Miller, J. (CoI), Miracle, S. (CoI), Ratliff, S. (CoI) & Whitaker, M. (CoI)
7/1/20 → 6/30/21
Project: Research project