University Training Consortium - Public Child Welfare Certification Program (PCWCP) - TRC/FY22

Grants and Contracts Details


Proposed Scope of Work University of Kentucky College of Social Work Training Resource Center – Public Child Welfare Certification Program (PCWCP) July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 During FY 2021, the University of Kentucky College of Social Work will continue to provide support for the Public Child Welfare Certification Program (PCWCP). The Public Child Welfare Certification Program is a pre-service education and training program for undergraduate junior and senior social work students designed to support the recruitment and retention of child welfare workers. The creative partnership between the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Department for Community Based Services, and public/private universities with social work programs accredited by the Council on Social Work Education serves as a national model for improved child welfare services. This joint effort includes a special track of child welfare courses and agency training courses for junior and senior students accepted into the program. The University of Kentucky is allocated a minimum of ten (10) bachelor level student slots for admission per year. Goal: The Public Child Welfare Certification Program recruits and trains competent and well- prepared bachelor’s level professional social workers for child welfare service delivery with DCBS by providing financial and academic support to qualified social work students. Objective 1: Recruit and screen potential candidates at UK and Bluegrass Community and Technical College (BCTC) The PCWCP Site Coordinator will recruit potential PCWCP candidates through presentations and information sharing about the program in UK and BCTC classes, PCWCP specific information/recruitment sessions, and other appropriate recruitment venues. The site coordinator will also meet with small groups and individuals interested in the program to provide information. Applicants to the UK PCWCP program will be screened by the site coordinator and PI. PCWCP faculty/staff will also participate in the PCWCP selection interviews in conjunction with DCBS and UTC partners. Objective 2: Provide academic support to PCWCP participants PCWCP faculty/staff will provide academic support to UK PCWCP students through face-to- face and online advising, coaching, and mentoring. PCWCP faculty/staff will also work with DCBS staff and Regional Training Coordinators to secure appropriate practicum placements for each participant. Objective 3: Maintain individual data for PCWCP students and monitor program compliance PCWCP faculty/staff will maintain student data/records to track progress, academic performance, and attendance for PCWCP students. PCWCP faculty/staff will coordinate with the CFHS Training Branch regarding student compliance with program requirements, admissions, grades, etc. Objective 4: Support UK instructor of PCWCP child welfare courses PCWCP faculty/staff will support the instructor(s) of UK PCWCP child welfare courses by assisting with course preparation, providing consultation on specific topical areas, and managing student issues. Proposed Scope of Work University of Kentucky College of Social Work Training Resource Center – Public Child Welfare Certification Program (PCWCP) July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 Objective 5: Participate and provide consultation and information to the larger PCWCP system PCWCP faculty/staff will attend all PCWCP meetings and retreats and coordinate and consult with CHFS, Department for Community Based Services, the EKU University Training Consortium, and university partners regarding PCWCP curriculum, program requirements, and students. The University of Kentucky utilizes Subcontractor for grants.
Effective start/end date7/1/216/30/22


  • Eastern Kentucky University: $38,777.00


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