Unliquidated Obligations: Kentucky State Loan Repayment Program (SLRP) - Current Year

  • Allen, Larry (PI)
  • Lewis, Peggy (CoI)

Grants and Contracts Details


The purpose of the Kentucky State loan Repayment Program is to improve access to underserved areas by uniting communities in need with primary health professionals and support their efforts to build better systems of care. This purpose coincides with the Healthy People 2010 goals: (1) To increase the quality and years of a healthy life: (2) Eliminate our country's health disparities. The goals of the Kentucky State loan Repayment Program· (KSlRP) are to: 1. Provide assistance to address the professional health care shortages in Kentucky's medically underserved areas. 2. Support rural communities in their efforts to recruit and retain well qualified healthcare professionals.
Effective start/end date9/1/028/31/12


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