Update and Maintenance of the Mercer Computerized Model

Grants and Contracts Details


In the mercer Computerized Model project, the Center for Business and Economic Research will update and maintain the Unemployment Insurance Mercer computerized Model (MCM). The efforts will include providing quarterly statistical reports with a narrative assessment and recommendations to the Department for Employment Services, Division of Unemployment Insurance, as authorized by KRS 341.116. The Center for Business and Economic Research has participated in the development and past operation ofthis model. The following specific services will be provided: 1. Update and maintain the Unemployment Insurance computerized Model (MCM) and provide quarterly statistical reports with a narrative assessment and recommendations. 2. Update the MCM to reflect the most recent information available including the reestimation of internal equations. 3. Make adjustments required to insure valid programming. 4. When available, incorporate new ES 204 data into the MCM data base. 5. Provide quarterly statistical reports which cover a minimum period of 12 months historical data and a minimum period of 36 months projected data. 6. Respond to other information requests from the Division of Unemployment Insurance.
Effective start/end date7/1/086/30/10


  • KY Workforce Development Cabinet: $49,959.00


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