Update of the Study of State Park and Lodge Construction at Lake Harrington

Grants and Contracts Details


The University of Kentucky Center for Business and EconOmic Research has been asked to perform an update of the feasibility study conducted in 2001 concerning the addition of a state park and lodge at Herrington Lake located in Boyle, Garrard.. and Mercer counties. Herrington Lake is already a popular destination for residents of Central K£rrtuclcy. The addition of the proposed facilities at Herrington Lake would require the pun:hase of land in a suitable spot. In keeping ",ith the nature of lodges at existing Kentucky State Parks, the lodge at Herrington Lake would most likely include ample room for overnight stays as well as a fuJI-service dining rOOmand meeting facilities among other amenitieS. In addition to the jobs and income created due to construction of the park and lodge, the new facilities would bring a future economk impact to the lake area as well as the surrounding area. The following sections contain our methodology for conductirtg the researcl1. As this is an up4ate of a previous study, the methodology is generally consistent with the previous study, in addition. it will address new issues such as the Tourism Development Act and its potential impact It also contains a description of the research personneJ who would conduct the study and a description of the Center for Business and &onornic Research.
Effective start/end date8/1/056/30/06


  • KY Department of Parks: $35,184.00


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