UriNary Tract Infection in the Emergency Department (UNTRIED)

Grants and Contracts Details


Emergency Medicine Pharmacists (EMPs) serve as an essential part of the EM healthcare team and are trained to be well-versed pharmacotherapy experts in wide variety of critical diseases states, age groups, and complex patient populations. EM pharmacists play a significant role in tailoring antimicrobial therapy ensuring adequate coverage in complex patient populations. 1-3 The research goal of this project is to conduct real-time antimicrobial resistance surveillance for patients presenting to the ED with uncomplicated/complicated cystitis or pyelonephritis. Providing real-time antimicrobial resistance data will improve antimicrobial prescribing and allow for the creation of local ED antibiograms. The long term goal is to create a geographically-diverse national Emergency Department (ED)-based network of EM pharmacists in collaboration with EM physicians to conduct clinical research evaluating patients presenting to the ED with various disease states.
Effective start/end date4/1/213/31/22


  • University of Iowa: $1,688.00


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