Use of Experimental Coatings on Interstate 264- Federal Aid Research Task no. 182

  • Hopwood, Theodore (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


KYTC recently awarded a contract to clean and paint 6 steel bridges on Interstate 264 in Jefferson County. The contract includes a combination of cleaning methods (pressure wash/tool clean/overcoat and abrasive blast/recoat). The contract also specifies the use ofan overcoating system (paint) that has not been previously used by KYTC. The Kentucky Transportation Center (KTC) will document the field activities at each structure, monitor the short term performance of the coating systems, and prepare a fmal report within 2 months of completion of the painting project. The final report will document constmction activities, any problems that occur, resolution of problems, and short tenn coating performance. The project will then be added to the long term monitoring program to assess long term coating performance. KYTC will use data from the study to develop future projects..
Effective start/end date7/14/108/31/11


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