Use of Natural Remedies to Alleviate Enteric Pathogensin Organic Poultry

Grants and Contracts Details


The extension project will coordinate the dissemination of information for the extension portion of the project. This will include maintaining a database of our targeted audience, both in email and postal address forms, in order to obtain feedback for the advisory board as well as to conduct our outreach programs, develop press releases for sustainable agriculture organizations and trade associations to announce the project and provide updates; creation and maintenance of a project website; establish a presence on eOrganic with the development of organic poultry materials, including factsheets and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and on]line educational modules on organic poultry production; oversee web]based trainings for extension agents nationwide; development of materials for various social media outlets.
Effective start/end date9/1/115/31/16


  • Agricultural Research Service: $152,730.00


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