Using Wheat as a Tool for Managing Palmer Amaranth

  • Martin, James (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


A recent survey of County Extension agents indicated Palmer amaranth is present in at least 19 counties in Kentucky. Much of the Palmer amaranth is believed to be resistant to glyphosate. There is increasing concern that resistance to other herbicides may also be at risk. Scientists in the Southeast are promoting the use of cover crops as a non-chemical control strategy for managing herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth. University of Georgia reports that growing rye as a cover crop can provide 60 to 90% control of Palmer amaranth. Similar results have been reported by University of Kentucky research involving wheat as a rotational crop and its ability to help control such weeds as marestail (also known as horseweed) and giant ragweed. Compare Palmer amaranth control in wheat/double crop soybeans with that of full season no-till soybeans.
Effective start/end date9/1/1212/31/13


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