Visualization Center/21st Century Manufacturing Initiative

Grants and Contracts Details


Executive Summary Camrys, inkjet printers, and motor oil have become nearly as synonymous with the name "Kentucky" as horses, tobacco, and bourbon. In fact, within the past decade the Commonwealth of Kentucky has become an international leader in manufacturing. This reputation is due in large to between Fortune 250 manufacturers-such as Toyota, Ford, Lexmark, and Ashland/V alvoline-and researchers within the University of Kentucky College of Engineering. College of Engineering research centers and laboratories-such as the Center for Robotics and Manufacturing, the Painting Technology Consortium, the Center for Applied Energy Research, and the Hardymon Advanced Networking Laboratory-have played a critical role in the ascendancy of manufacturing prominence within the Commonwealth. Indeed, this collaborative, cooperative community of large/small manufacturers and College of Engineering faculty has fostered much innovation and commercialization to date including commercial products and lucrative patents in the areas of electromagnetic compatibility, fuel cells, polymeric material, and painting technology. Unfortunately, 21st century manufacturing and processing technologies will be difficult and expensive to develop and certainly no single manufacturer/university has the necessary expertise required. However, nurturing and expanding the current successful cooperative model will focus expertise while distributing costs and risks and not only fulfill the needs of the current manufacturing base but spawn new economic development in areas outside of manufacturing. Visualizationis a research area that will be critical to 21sl century manufacturingas well as to many other industries. This proposal is requesting $5,300,000 from the Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority (KEDFA) and an additional $3,000,000 from the Research Challenge Trust (RCTF) or "Bonds for Brains" to establish a Visualization Center in the College of Engineering at the University of Kentucky. These funds will be used to hire 8 faculty researchers (6 regular, 2 endowed chairs) in the area of visualization. The funds will also be used to provide the necessary infrastructure (Le., graduate studen!s, staff, equipment) to ensure that these faculty will be successful. Success will be measured in terms of: i) extramural funding ii) graduate students in the program Hi) direct and indirect economic development (i.e., involvement in start-ups, SBIRs/STTRs).
Effective start/end date7/1/026/30/08


  • KY Economic Development Cab: $5,645,561.00


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