VMI/Foreign Policy

  • Stempel, John (PI)

Grants and Contracts Details


SCOPE OF SERVICES: The Contractor shall provide the services of Dr. John Stempel during the Spring Semester of the 2004-2005 academic year. During his time at VMI, Dr. Stempel will be holder of the Mary Moody-Northern Chair in the Department ofInternational Studies and Political Science. In addition to conducting research while at VMI, Dr. Stempel will teach two research seminars in the Department of International Studies and Political Science as assigned by the Department Head. He will also give one public lecture on a topic mutually agreed to with the Department Head. While at VMI, Dr. Stempel will be a member of the teaching faculty and will be familiar with and support the VMI regulations, including those found in the VMI Faculty Handbook, September 2003.
Effective start/end date1/10/056/16/09


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