Watershed Coordinator Workshop Development / Kentucky Wtershed Forum Facilitation

Grants and Contracts Details


Problem, goals, objectives, activities, measures of success In Kentucky, watershed planning and implementation initiatives have much greater success when a dedicated watershed coordinator is working toward achieving water quality goals. Over the past 5 years, the Division of Water has encouraged and helped fund coordinator positions to increase local engagement and achieve success. In order to strengthen the knowledge base and capabilities of the coordinators, DOW has also been providing training workshops on a variety of relevant topics. Through this project, KWRRI will help formalize the content and provide guidance for continuing these workshops, which have been deemed immensely helpful by the watershed coordinators from across the state. Based on coordinator feedback and prior training offerings, a listing of initial topics is proposed for module development. These include: • The Clean Water Act & Related Water Quality Laws • Water Quality Basics • Land Use Impacts & Related Best Management Practices • Dealing with Data • Identification and Recruitment of Likely Partners • Effective Communications The training module for each of these topics will include workshop presentation material (Powerpoint slides with speaker notes) and suggestions for accompanying training videos, additional local speakers, group activities and field trips. Group activities will foster networking and information exchange, which will further strengthen the coordinator's knowledge base and effectiveness. By offering a range of workshop materials, organizers can create tailored offerings that best engage their unique group of participants. The workshops will typically be structured as half-day to full-day offerings.
Effective start/end date11/1/179/30/20


  • KY Energy and Environment Cabinet: $93,034.00


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