Weed Garden and IPM Field School Lab

Grants and Contracts Details


This proposal addresses IPM Implementation in Agronomic Crops (68.8% of total budget) and IPM Implementation in Specialty Crops (31.1% of total budget). To address the dynamic pest management needs in Kentucky, the KY IPM program has established 4 extension working groups that focus on needs within two of these EIP emphasis areas. The program is guided and assesses IPM needs through a stakeholder advisory committee. This project proposes to develop a series of field crops schools to advance IPM in agronomic crops and necessitates the hire of a full-time coordinator. Currently each working group’s IPM programs are challenged with invasive pests and diseases as well as herbicide resistant weeds. The goals of the program is to increase adoption of IPM and stewardship of agricultural resources, monitor and respond to changing pest management challenges, and improve profitability. The grain Crops group will enhance monitoring or several emerging pest problems and extend the information through online communication, proposed printed publications and meetings. The fruit and vegetable working groups will expand programs for limited resource producers, emphasize IPM training of county agents, use demonstration plots, develop scouting guides for additional crops, convert existing IPM scouting publications to mobile websites, and monitor chronic and emerging pests. The nursery crops working group will develop a series of IPM podcasts and other online content to promote pest and disease scouting to increase sustainability and profitability of Kentucky landscape nurseries...
Effective start/end date9/1/148/31/21


  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture


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