Grants and Contracts Details
PI: Erin Haramoto, Plant and Soil Sciences
Title: Weed identification and mapping tools for accelerating integrated weed management solutions
and adoption
Source: United Soybean Board
This proposal will address the USB priority theme of sustainability by regionalizing crop and weed
monitoring tools and user interfaces to accelerate the adoption of precision and sustainable agricultural
practices by US soybean producers. Automation in agriculture, especially for monitoring crops (biomass)
and weeds (density and biomass), is lacking and has substantial implications for evaluating and tailoring
inputs (herbicides, non-chemical management, and costs) and the resulting outcomes (yield, return-on-
investment, and weed seed production), and assisting decision-making for future planning. This proposal
will conduct field-scale testing of two low-cost, easy-to-use weed and crop performance monitoring
systems. Regional testing will facilitate improvements in weed density and biomass estimations for
additional weed species. This project will also include the construction and beta-testing of a user-
friendly interface that automates data analysis and visualization. Our goals are to refine precision
agriculture technology (computer vision and artificial intelligence tools) to estimate and map weed
density and biomass in US soybean production regions, and build a web-based application that
automates data analysis and visualization for both farmers and researchers at the end of one year. Since
such technology has many uses (described above), we envision a multi-year project that links the spatial
distribution of climate, soils, crop yields, and weeds, enabling site-specific management. Additionally,
our work will be publicly available for other research and development groups to continue improving
precision “see-and-spray” and other technologies. The outputs of this project are expected to
tremendously enhance both growers’ weed management and profitability as well as researchers’ ability
to efficiently conduct multi-location field trials and scale-up from small plot research to whole field
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 5/15/22 → 12/31/22 |
- Agricultural Research Service: $14,925.00
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