Weed Management Challenges for Sustainability and BMPs in Soybean (FY25)

Grants and Contracts Details


Weed Management Challenges for Sustainability and BMPs in Soybean (FY25) Statement of Work University of Kentucky February 2024 The funding from this grant will be used to support research efforts to promote sustainable stewardship and management of herbicide-resistant weeds in Kentucky in soybean in an era of increasing regulation. Palmer amaranth(Amaranthus palmeri), waterhemp (Amaranthus rudis), and horseweed (Conyza canadensis) are continual threats to Kentucky soybean yields every year. Additionally, the Kentucky soybean farmer is facing increasing restrictions on the use of pesticides to protect endangered species and their habitats. The University of Kentucky will collaborate with weed scientists from 11 additional soybean producing states to conduct field research targeting the following goals. • Determination of when residual herbicides should be applied in a cover crop system. • Confirmation of herbicide resistant waterhemp and Palmer amaranth. • Investigation of the impact of the Endangered Species act on herbicide resistant weed management. • Investigation of reducing barriers to the use of metribuzin for weed management in soybean. University of Kentucky field technicians will assist weed scientists in conducting field research trials. Trials that are designed by collaborators will be conducted at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center on fields with a known population of glyphosate-resistant Palmer amaranth and/or waterhemp. Technicians will conduct all elements of the field trials from material acquisition, trial layout, planting, herbicide applications, field management, and data collection. PI Legleiter will assist with and manage all activities of field research with a primary role in the data collection and analysis. The collaborative effort of the project will see Kentucky data being culminated with other researcher’s data to help develop BMP (Best Management Practices) for control of these troublesome weeds in the ever-evolving agriculture world. Kentucky data will also be disseminated within the state to target audiences of growers, Extension agents, crop consultants, private and commercial pesticide applicators, and other agricultural industry representatives.
Effective start/end date10/1/249/30/25


  • Purdue University: $41,500.00


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