Workforce Development Cooperative Agreement C5207 - FY25 WFD Educational Assistance Program

Grants and Contracts Details


- Abstract The University of Kentucky, College of Public Health will provide services to assist to sustain and/or increase the capacity of Kentucky’s public health response-ready workforce through development and implementation of recruitment, retention and training initiatives. This e?ort is funded by the Workforce Development Cooperative Agreement Crisis funds (WFD) and the Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG), established for recruitment, retention, training and credentialing of the public health workforce. UKCPH will assist with workforce readiness and the advancement of Public Health Practice. UK and the Kentucky Department for Public Health will seek to advance public health practice, skills and competencies through training and learning experiences. This contract will build academia and public health practice collaboration, enhance student-learning experiences and foster local and state relationships. UK will designate sta? and utilize students to o?er technical assistance and consultation to local health departments in the following areas: a. Community Health Assessment b. Community Health Improvement Plan c. Performance and Quality Improvement d. Public Health Accreditation UK will designate sta? to serve on advisory committee and be a liaison with the DPH Workforce readiness program and O?ce of Public Improvement and Advancement.
Effective start/end date7/1/246/30/26


  • KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services: $530,000.00


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