World Forest ID American Hardwoods Project Sampling

Grants and Contracts Details


These two areas of work will be accomplished through the following activities: 1. Sample approximately 210 trees each of white oak (Quercus alba) and tulip/yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) using the World Forest ID sampling protocol and operating procedures to collect wood. This will be broken down into ~30 trees from each FIA region, ideally coming from ~3 sites within each region (e.g. 10 trees from each “site” which should be separated by ~25 km if possible). The number of samples and distribution of samples sites have been established as what is required to be able to identify origin of products at the FIA level using stable isotope ratio analysis. Example of potential sample scheme, not representing actual locations Sample GPS location and information will be collected through the World Forest ID phone app. Wood samples will be shipped following World Forest ID operating procedures to the Wood Identification and Screening Center in Oregon. This will provide scientists with the material they need to start building chemical reference databases of these species. 2. Assist with building a multilingual online learning system to provide training for those collecting wood samples in the field. This system will provide self-directed training on planning, tools, collection of samples, sample preparation, shipping samples and understanding the permitting process. Assistance will involve discussing the structure of the training, working with project leads, graphic designers and World Forest ID app developers, testing the training, and troubleshooting challenges.
Effective start/end date6/15/215/31/23


  • Forest Service: $45,000.00


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