Young researcher support for XVIIth International Conf. on Math. Phys. Aalborg, DK August 2012

Grants and Contracts Details


The International Association of Mathematical Physics hosts the Interna- tional Congress ofMathematical Physics (ICMP) every three years. The XVIIth ICMP will be held 6-11 August 2012 in Aalborg, Denmark. This is a proposal to request funding to support approximately 15 young researchers from institu- tions in the US so they may participate in the ICMP12 in Aalborg. In addition, the supported participants will attend the Young Researchers Symposium 2-3 August 2011 in Aalborg before the ICMP. Intellectual Merit The ICMP is the main meeting of mathematical physi- cists from around the world. The primary speakers present work on the cutting- edge of the various fields of mathematical physics. This is an outstanding op- portunity for young research at US institutions to meet these renowned mathe- maticians and to learn about recent advances. In addition, the topical programs allow the participants to focus on the subfield of their interests and learn about recent work. The selection committee will choose the grant recipients based on their research achievements and promise. The committee will strive to ensure that participation in the ICMP will greatly contribute to the professional de- velopment of the applicant. In addition to the ICMP, the Young Researcher Symposium will allow the recipients to present their own work and to interact more closely with leaders in the field. Broader Impact This proposal is for funds to help support young mathe- maticians working in the various areas of mathematical physics at US institu- tions. It is hoped, and a survey of previously supported mathematicians from past ICMPs shows, that the experience has a strong impact on their academic development.
Effective start/end date2/15/121/31/13


  • National Science Foundation: $42,284.00


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